Electricity Family Fun Day
On Saturday, February 4, 2017, the Museum of the Gulf Coast had a family fun day themed on the “Electricity” exhibit from the Benjamin Franklin Institute. “Shock and Awe” included awesome crafts such as coloring a flash light, graphite circuits, and kaleidoscopes. There was also games like soda can races and so much more. I was there volunteering with the museum’s Teen Troupe program and was able to interview two families.
Port Arthur’s Mayor Derrick Freeman and his wife Shannon Freeman brought their children to the family fun day for the first time. While there, I asked Mayor Freeman what was the kid’s favorite activity. He said they enjoyed the plasma tube because it reminded the kids of the Ghostbuster Movie. Don’t know what a plasma tube is? I encourage you to go to the Museum and check it out for yourself! Mayor Freeman and his family enjoyed the family fun day and highly recommends it.
Port Arthur Mayor Derrick Freeman and family Mayor Derrick Freeman and his daughter Addy and son Brance enjoying the Electrostatic Generator.
I also had an opportunity to interview Karen Alfred. When speaking to her I found out this was not her first time visiting the family fun day. She enjoyed the space themed family fun day that was held last July, and decided to come back for more fun! She said this time around her favorite craft was playing with the graphite circuits. Ms. Alfred explained that she really enjoys these family days which often include S.T.E.M.(Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) activitesn and she highly recommends other families to attend the family fun days.
Ms. Karen Alfred and her family enjoying the Enjoying the graphite circuit activity
family fun day.
I always enjoy volunteering and learning so much here at the Museum of Gulf Coast. There is always something new waiting around the corner to learn. I would recommend the family fun days for the entire family. If you would like to get more involved and you are in the 6th – 12th grade, contact Stepanie Harren (Education Coordinator) about joining the Teen Troupe program. This program runs year round and include tons of volunteer opportunities and fun trips. I have been with the Teen Troupe program since the 6th grade and I enjoy every minute of it.
The Museum of the Gulf Coast and myself look forward to you and your family coming to participate in the many events that are always going on here at the museum.